


(6) 実際にはありえないような内容の英文や会話を作らせる問い




AA shark is no ( more  ) a mammal than a salmon is.

BOf course. Everybody knows that. 2011福島大)

●ADo you like reading books?

BYes, I love reading. You know, as exercise is to the body, ( so ) reading is to the mind.(2021福島大)

※この形を使いたいなら,reading is to the mind as exercise to the bodyとすべき。

AWhat is U.S.A.?  

BDon’t you know? It stands ( for ) the United States of America.(2021福島大)

→ USAが何を表すかを知らないAは,いったい誰なのか?


AHello, Tom.

BNice and warm today, isn't ( it )? (2013福島大)

→ Bの返答は唐突すぎる。普通は最初に Hi, Cathy. などと言うだろう。

●AHe was really careful. That's ( why ) he succeeded in the business.

BInteresting! Tell me more about his story. (2014福島大)

→ これを自然な会話だと思うかどうかは国語力の問題。

●AWe are looking for a person ( whose ) knowledge in that area is extraordinary.

BIt might be difficult. But it’s worth trying. 2018福島大)

→ Aの発言を自然な英語だと思うかどうかは英語感覚の問題。

●ATom is really good at speaking English, isn’t he?

BReally? His pronunciation is ( far ) from perfect.(2021福島大)


AI haven’t seen you for a while. What are you doing these days?

B:It’s ( been ) almost five years. I work in the automobile industry now. (2020福島大)

→ Bの返答は日本人の発想。英語圏の人なら「自動車業界で働いている」ではなく,もっと具体的な仕事の内容を語るはず。

AIf you have time, I would like to discuss the next meeting with you.

B:Of course. Why ( don't ) we talk about it over lunch? (2020福島大)

→ BOf course.と答えさせたいなら,Aの後半はcan [could] we talk about the next meeting? とすべき。discusstalk aboutの方が日常的。

● ADo you like jazz?

B:Well, to tell you the ( truth ), I don’t particularly like it.(2020福島大)




● Since my secretary didn't take the name of the visitor, I couldn't [ see / be sure / me / who / had come to ]. (2002センター本試)(整序作文)

→ 「秘書が訪問者の名前を聞かなかった」という状況がありうるのか?

The thief was caught (   ) a television from the hotel.

〇@stealing  Ato steal  Bstolen  Cstole (2005センター追試)


I’m here not (   ) because you are rich but also because I love you.

〇@merely  Apartly  Bat all  Cso far (2020東邦大)


My grandfather is still @live and Awell. He will Bturn ninety Cnext week.2018群馬大)(正誤判定:正解は@→alive)

→ stillを使うと「祖父は今もなお(しぶとく)生きている」という響きになる。

● むやみに実験をするのは禁止されています。

[ an / random / it / do / experiment / prohibited / to / at / is ].  (2013獨協医大)(整序作文)

→ 想定された正解はIt is prohibited to do an experiment at random. だが,「at randomに実験を行う」のはあり得ないこと。

In addition to love, children depend on their parents (   ) food, clothing, and shelter.

〇@for  Afrom  Bto  Cwith2007センター追試)

childrenの前にtheが必要だと思う。theがないと一般論になるが,今日ではそもそもin addition to loveが当てはまらない例も多いのだから。  

  (     ) are not good at driving is widely believed all over the world.

@That women  AWhen women  BWomen  CIf women (2016中京大)

→「女性の運転が上手ではないということは世界中で広く信じられている」― それは出題者の偏見でしかない。

This is @the world's second highest mountain Athat view Bhas attracted many tourists Crecently. (2008福島大) (正誤問題)

→ 想定された正解はA(that , whose)で,「これは世界で2番目に高い山であり,その眺めは最近多くの観光客を魅了している」の意味。

