




It looked like an ordinary stone, but in fact it was a fossil of high academic (→research) value. (A)

● have a bad (→foul) mouth(口が悪い)  (A)

※Netspeakではhave/has a bad mouth : have/has a foul mouth=549:1,274


@I was disgusted with the poor service at the restaurant.

AI was disgusted by the violent scenes in the movie.


● Without the promotional video posted on online video sites, the number of visitors to the town wouldn't have increased so drastically (→dramatically) in such a short time.(B)


They were earnest for (→passionate about) their son’s education. (A)

● The cashier couldn’t have made such an elementary (→a simple [silly]) mistake.

She said she gave her boyfriend some ( handmade / homemade ) cookies on Valentine’s Day.


He was concerned about how much (→large a) pension he could receive after retirement. (A)

How big is the population of this city?


Yuka sings as well as a pro (→professional) singer. (A)

→(A):pro singerとはあまり言わない。

● “I’m @( worried / worrying )  A( to be / about being )  appointed B( as / to ) captain.” “Don’t worry. You can do it!”

→(B):@はworried,Aはabout being,Bはtoを使う。Aでto beは不可。aboutを使った場合,話し手はまだキャプテンに任命されていない。

● I am regretful for what I have done. It is regretful that he died [what he said].  (A)

※辞書の説明では「人 be regretful」だが,Netspeakではit is regretful : I am regretful=2,200:892


@Taking too much salt can cause high blood pressure.

ATaking salt too much can cause high blood pressure.

→(B):@だけが正しい。しかしAは,Eating salt too much can ...なら正しい。


● Nakamura alone scored a goal in the soccer game. (次のどちらの意味か?)

@The score of Nakamura’s team was just one.

ANo other players assisted Nakamura with his goal.


● John alone got a perfect score.  (次のどちらの意味か?)

@Nobody except John got a perfect score.

AJohn got a perfect score without anyone’s help.


● My grandfather worked at city hall at that time (→in those days).(A・B)

→(B):at that time はピンポイントで時の1点を表す場合に使う。

● To put it shortly (→bluntly), the plan is impractical. (A)

● Unlike in Japan, there aren't vending machines outdoors everywhere (→everywhere in foreign countries). (A)

● The earthquake yesterday was the strongest I have (   ) experienced.

〇@ever  Anever  Byet  Cnot


● Unlike in Japan, there aren’t vending machines outdoors (→outdoors everywhere) in foreign countries. (A) 

● February 14 was when they first had a date (→had their first date). (A) 

● The Giants are at the top (→in the lead), followed by the Tigers. (A) 

@“How ( often / many times ) have you been to China?” “Just once.”

A“How ( often / many times ) have you been to China?” “Several times.”

→Aが「@はmany timesがベター」というのでBに訪ねると,「@はoftenを使う。how many timesは相手が複数回中国へ行ったことがある場合にしか使わない」とのこと。Aなら両方OK。

They are renovating the hotel, hoping that it will attract more visitors from home and abroad.

→(A):homeをhereとする/(B):homeをthis countryとする。

Foreign workers have increased sharply for the past five years

→(A):in the last five yearsに訂正/(B):どちらも正しく,forは増加が継続していたことを表す。inは2つの時点を比べているだけで,途中経過はわからない。

● I want to be independent of my parents as early (→soon) as possible. (A)



There seem to be a lot of problems about (→in) the plan.(A)

● I first met her at (→in) this park.  (A)

They say (that) Einstein was behind (→behind in) his class when he was a child. (A) 

What you are saying is beside the mark (→beside the point,wide of the mark). (君の言っていることは的外れだ)  (A・B)

→(A・B):beside the markとは言わない。

※Netspeakではbeside the point=360,000,beside the mark=27,000,wide of the mark=110,000件。  

● I’m going to work part-time at a bookstore ( for / during ) the summer.


● She is fresh from (→out of) college. (A)

● A lot of oil flowed away from (→out of) the tanker. (A)  

We weren’t in (→on) time for the game because of a traffic jam.

→(A):in timeだと「試合を全く見られなかった」の意味になる。/(B):inのままでよい(onは試合開始に間に合わなったの意味にも解釈できる)が,We were late for 〜の方がベター。

● Many fans were waiting in line, with a young boy in front (→at the front).(A)

No matter how tired I am, I ( write / write in ) my diary every day.

→ (A):write inを使う/(B):writeを使う

All the data is ( in / on ) this DVD.


● As the population increased in the city (→the city's population increased), so did the number of crimes. (A)

● They went fishing (   ) the river. [over, under, 〇in, to] (関西学院大)


● I showed her some photos ( of / from / in ) my childhood. 


● Most of the customers of (→at) the ramen shop order miso ramen. (B)


● The editor hit on a good title of (→for) the book. (A)

● I got ( off / out of ) my car and locked the door.

→(B):out ofを使う。offだと「車の屋根から飛び降りる」ような意味になる。

● pride oneself on→ onの代わりにinも使える (A) 

※Netspeakでは,pride myself on : pride myself in=51,000:14,000。

● I came up with a good idea.=A good idea hit on (→upon) me. (A)

I was very hungry because I hadn’t eaten anything since morning ( that day / on that day ).

→(A):on that day を使う/(B):that day を使う

Netspeakmorning (on) that dayを検索すると,onありが852件,なしが1,300件。

Americans often start their speech ( by / with ) a joke.


● He cut his finger ( with / on ) a knife by mistake.


● He parted with (→from) his ancestral home.(彼は先祖伝来の家を手放した) (A)



I practice English conversation to travel abroad (→to talk to people abroad). (A・B)


● @ Can you turn down the TV so that I can study

A Can you turn down on the TV for me to study?

→(A):@はよいがAは不自然/(B):同意。Aの下線部はessential reasonではない。

Can you think of any word beginning (→that begins) with z? (A)


● @I’m looking for a shop ( selling / which sells ) used game software.

AI’m looking for a shop ( buying / which buys ) used game software.

→(B):自分は@ではselling,Aではwhich buysを使う。Aは業態として中古ゲームの買取をやっている店を探すという場合はwhich buys,そういう店が見つかるかどうかわからない場合はwhich will buy

My father’s working office is in Kawasaki.


→(B):この文は誤り。officeは働く場所だから,working officeのように限定することは無意味。またmy father’s running shopのようにも言わない。

● I like playing video games eating (→while eating) potato chips. (A・B)


They were talking loudly, so they didn’t hear the baby cry (→crying) in the next room. (A)


● It's really ( exciting / excited / excitement ) to ride on that roller coaster.

@excite  〇Aexciting  Bexcited  Cexcitement


●Do as you are ( told / told to / told to do ). は全部正しいか?(フォロワーさんから)

→(B):イエス。またasの代わりにwhatも可だが,asはat the same timeの意味を含み,その場で実演しているような状況で使う。  



● @Japan is the only country that atomic bombs were dropped upon.

AJapan is the only country where atomic bombs were dropped.

→(B):@がmuch better  

● We have to go through with it whatever (→no matter what) happens.(私たちは何が起きてもそれをやり遂げなければならない) (A)

